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Get more customers with TopRankingThe ChemExper Chemical Directory lists chemicals from more than 1500 suppliers. Products are listed in the order of importation. The position of your product in the ChemExper Chemical Directory CCD listings determine how likely you are to get contacted by customers. With TopRanking you can bypass your competitors and get your products to the top of the list. For many products there are more than 20 suppliers and thus multiple result pages. Our research shows that most visitors never browse to the second page of search results: ![]() The above graph illustrates very well that a product which appears after page one looses a huge amount of customer attention. Make sure your products appear on the first page and subscribe to TopRanking How does TopRanking work?After subscribing to TopRanking you credit your account with some amount of money (at least 500 USD). Afterwards you decide how much you want to spend for 1000 appearances on top of the list. We call this value CPM (= cost per thousand) and the minimum amount is 1 USD CPM. Thus for 500 dollars your products will appear in TopRanking 500000 times. Of course you can outbid your competition. We will always automatically reduce any winning CPM bid so that the amount charged is the minimum necessary to keep the supplier position on the page. As a result, the maximal CPM you are willing to pay is rarely the amount actually paid. Additional benefitsWith TopRanking you will have access to a detailed report in which you will see which products are the most accessed ones, their average position in the list and the number of times they are displayed! This is a unique feature that will help you to focus your commercial efforts. FAQ HowHow much will it really cost ?The real cost depends on many factors like the number of products you sell, the originality of the products and the position you want to reach. If you sell 10000 mainstream products, you will have around 10000 pages display of your products per day. By bidding 1 USD per CPM this would cost around 10 USD/day. If you sell only 2000 exotic products the number of page display will probably be under 500 (which means under 0.5 USD/day for a CPM of 1 USD). What is the minimal bid to be in the top of the list ?The minimal bid is 1 USD per CPM (1000 catalog products of your company displayed). this would allow to move your products towards the top of the list. The actual position will however depend if somebody else is ready to pay more for a higher position. What happens if 2 companies are ready to pay the same amount ?The system selects randomly the order in which those companies will appear. What is happening if I don't participate to this Top Ranking program ?You products will be displayed as before in the importation order just after all the paying suppliers. What is the increment for a winning position ?In order to win the bid you need to bid at least 0.01 USD/CPM more than the next supplier. What is CPM ?CPM means cost per thousand. The letter "M" in the abbreviation is the Roman numeral for one thousand. It corresponds to the cost of displaying your product 1000 times. How will I know if I am top-ranked ?By bidding for the top position you increase the chance that you are on the first result page and you will only be charged in this case. You will also have access to detailed statistics to know your actual average ranking. How will I know if someone has outbid me ?You will have access to a detailed statistics about the cost and average position of your top 50 products as well as a global overview. Is there a minimal amout to pay ?Your account should be credited by at least $500. Will I always be charged my maximal CPM ?We will always automatically reduce any winning CPM bid so that the amount charged is the minimum necessary to keep the supplier position on the page. As a result, the maximal CPM you are willing to pay is rarely the amount actually paid. |